Ways to Serve in Worship

We welcome adult participation in the worship life of Bethel. The more voices and faces we hear and see, the more we appreciate the diversity of God’s world. Here are some ways you might consider serving:

Worship Planning — Everyone’s input into the ways in which we give glory to God is appreciated. Even if you’ve never done anything like this before, we would appreciate your participation. Your ideas on worship styles, music, visual arts and effects and the like are important and will bring meaning to the congregation.

Music —  Do you play an instrument? Let us know so we can share it with others. We will find a place for your talent.

Ushering — This is often the first person worshippers see on Sunday morning. A smile and a hello welcomes each person to this house of God. Ushers greet people, hand out worship folders, count numbers of people in attendance, help with offering and help direct people to the Communion Table.

Communion Assistants — Assistants work with the pastors to serve either wine or grape juice at the time of Communion distribution.

Lectors — Lectors read the Sunday scripture lessons. A strong, clear voice is helpful.

Sacristans — We are always looking for people to set the Communion Table before service and clear the Table after service has ended. Training is provided.