Block Party

Bethel Lutheran Block Party Kids with SnowconesAnnual Community Outreach Event

The Bethel Lutheran Block Party and Rummage Sale is an annual Overlook neighborhood community event that takes place, in the fall , on a Saturday from 9 AM to 2 PM. Bethel provides free music and food, kids’ entertainment and a variety of rummage items to choose from.

The Block Party and Rummage Sale are a great way for visitors to to learn about Bethel Lutheran Church, the Bethel Youth Drop-In Center, and the various programs and volunteer opportunities offered, while having fun.

Bethel Lutheran Block Party Woman Smiling2024 Details will be made available as soon as the planning begins

When:  Usually in September, 9 AM to 2 PM
Where: 5658 N Denver Ave, Portland, OR 97217

Please join us!